Do you really know about reflective materials?
Time:2020/9/22 Hits:2362

 1、 Brief history of reflective materials

In 1950, Dr. Dong Qifang, a Chinese American scientist, developed Directional Glass Beads, and then developed a series of reflective materials such as reflective cloth. In 1968, Rowland brothers invented and registered the retroreflective technology of micro prism. The reflective film product was developed by 3M company in the United States. Up to now, only a few countries, such as the United States, Japan, China and South Korea, can produce reflective film. The reflective film has been used in developed countries for a long time, and its excellent optical properties and excellent social and economic value have been widely recognized and accepted. At the same time, it has attracted the full attention of many scientific and technological workers in the field of Optics and traffic safety in China. In the 1970s, Professor Yang Yonggang from the optics Department of the Chinese Academy of Metrology introduced the structural principle, optical characteristics, performance test and other technical documents of the performance of directional reflectors to China. Subsequently, many scientific research institutes and universities have successively invested in the research and development of reflective film series products. For example, scientific research institutions such as the Institute of highway science of the Ministry of communications and the Institute of optics of the Chinese Academy of sciences have organized experts and special funds to set up research teams to carry out project research. These early experts and researchers devoted a lot of efforts to the reflective materials, and achieved certain stage results. Basically, they explored the basic production process principle of reflective materials. However, under the conditions at that time, due to the weakness of basic industries such as chemical industry, special coatings, glass beads and other raw materials could not be solved, and there was no finalized production equipment The industrialization process of reflective materials is limited under certain conditions. In the 1980s, Zhejiang began to develop high refractive index glass beads, which gradually solved the most important raw material for the development of reflective film, laying a foundation for the localization of reflective materials in China. Since 1995, China Railway No.4 Engineering Group Co., Ltd. realized the potential market of reflective materials with the sensitivity of the industry, and resolutely invested more than 20 million yuan in the research and development of high-strength reflective film in China. Under the conditions at that time, apart from the cash invested by China Railway No.4 Engineering Group Co., Ltd., there were no ready-made raw materials, no mature technology, no finalized equipment and no skilled workers And I don't know what kind of technical conditions these things should have. However, under such difficult conditions, breid people did not shrink back, still persevered, experienced numerous failed experiments, paid a lot of hard work and sweat, spent nearly 8 million yuan of scientific research funds, and finally took the lead in solving the localization technology of high-strength membrane after six years of arduous development process, with complete independent intellectual property rights, and product quality obtained authoritative testing Department and user recognition, and caused the attention of foreign counterparts.
2、 Necessity of domestic development of reflective materials
China has a vast territory, abundant resources and a large population. From the above market situation analysis, coupled with the newly issued body reflective identification standard issued by the Ministry of public security, large trucks are required to be pasted with reflective signs, and the reflective film is required to be more than tens of millions of square meters every year. The market of civil reflective materials is even more huge, which can not be measured. However, for a long time, China's reflective material market has been monopolized by imported products, especially high-strength reflective film. Due to the high technical content of reflective film, imported products are sold at high price in China, and a lot of profits are obtained. A large amount of foreign exchange expenditure restricts the popularization and application of reflective film in China, which is in great contrast with the rapid development of China's national economy, which is very unfavorable to the development of China's national economy, especially the development of road traffic safety. Therefore, the localization of reflective film products, breaking the monopoly of foreign products, replacing imports, reducing the cost of popularization and application of reflective film, is very necessary to promote the development of traffic safety engineering, especially to promote the development of traffic safety engineering in the underdeveloped areas of central and Western China. In fact, the irreplaceable safety guarantee function of reflective film products in the field of transportation has attracted the attention of the whole society, and also attracted the attention, support and support of national industrial policy. The State Science and Technology Commission, the Ministry of communications and the Ministry of light industry have repeatedly set up projects as key projects to encourage the development of directional reflective film products. The State Planning Commission and the State Economic and Trade Commission have also been listed in the "development and production of new materials for Highway Engineering" in Item 5 of Article 10 of the "catalogue of industries, products and technologies encouraged by the state at present" jointly issued by the two commissions, and "microelectronic and optoelectronic materials" listed as the ninth of the "twelve key special projects" in the special plan for the development of high-tech industries in the tenth five year plan All these show that the localization of reflective film conforms to the national industrial policy.
3、 Application and market situation of reflective materials in traffic signs
The application of reflective materials in the marking industry began in early 80's in China. Since then, with the development of reflective materials industry in China, it has been widely used in public security transportation, traffic supervision, fire control, railway, coal mine and other departments. It has been widely used in labor protection articles and civil products to ensure personal safety. After the 1990s, the domestic market of reflective materials began to get on the right track. The application fields of products were more and more extensive, and the specialties were more and more detailed. The relevant departments formulated international standards or industry standards for different reflective materials, such as the national professional standard en-47l (high visibility warning clothing), reflective film of road traffic signs, etc. Western developed countries, such as Europe and the United States, also regard the standard use of reflective materials as one of the important basis for insurance compensation, and regulate or publicize the use of reflective materials by laws and regulations or in the form of encouragement. For example, in the environment of poor vision discrimination such as rain, fog, snow and night, the elderly and children must wear or wear signs or clothing with reflective materials when they go out.
Industrial reflective materials mainly refer to five levels of reflective film, such as high-strength reflective film, engineering grade reflective film, advertising grade reflective film and license plate grade reflective film. Mainly used for the production of various reflective signs and signs, vehicle number plates, safety facilities, etc., in the daytime with its bright colors play an obvious warning role, at night or in the case of insufficient light, its bright reflective effect can effectively enhance people's identification ability, see clearly the target, cause alertness, so as to avoid accidents, reduce casualties, reduce economic losses It is an indispensable security guard for road traffic, which has obvious social benefits. With the development of national economy, the development of traffic roads is very fast. With the rapid increase of highway mileage in China, the high-speed and informatization of highway traffic engineering has become the development direction. With the construction and development of urbanization in China, the urban environment and beautification have become the elements. There are more and more omni-directional and full grade separation urban roads. At the same time, the ownership of various vehicles is increasing With the increasing prosperity of traffic, traffic management and traffic safety have been raised to a very important position. To strengthen traffic management and ensure traffic safety, so as to ensure the development of national economy and the safety of people's life and property, has become a consensus of all. The setting of traffic signs, road traffic safety facilities, vehicle signs and indication signs has become a consensus Traffic safety management is a very important part. A foreign figure shows that the correlation probability of traffic and road signs and accidents is 70%. Clear and complete traffic and road signs can give drivers and pedestrians a good reflection, which can effectively reduce accidents and improve driving efficiency. According to the statistics of relevant departments, there were 81562 traffic accidents at night in 1996, with 2535 deaths, accounting for 28.3% of the total number of traffic accidents in the whole year. Without lighting, the use of reflective materials to set up eye-catching traffic signs, vehicle license plates, wearing decorative stone reflective material clothes, can reduce traffic accidents by 30-40%. At present, there are about 200000 kilometers of high-grade highways (including grade II) in China, of which the total mileage of expressways is 11000 km, and the average membrane consumption of high-grade highways is about 50m2 / km. The total mileage of highways in China is 1336000 km. In 1999, only 15400 km of newly increased highways and 12m km of ordinary highways are used The annual growth rate of class I highway is about 50000 km. During the 10th Five Year Plan period, there are five vertical and seven horizontal highways in China, and the total mileage of 12 national trunk lines is 35000 km.
By 2010, the highway mileage in Western China will reach 350000 km. In addition, many high-grade highways built in the early stage are also undergoing continuous transformation, and a large number of reflective signs are in urgent need of updating. In addition, China has about 60000 kilometers of railway lines. With the requirements of new construction, transformation and train speed increase and the implementation of the standard "technical conditions for retroreflective materials for railway signs" (TB / t2929-1999), the use of high-strength film for railway signs is also being promoted. 7-8 square meters of membrane per kilometer (this is the most conservative calculation). The annual consumption of membrane in China is about 2.5 million square meters. By 2010, the total amount of membrane used in highway and railway in China market will reach at least 25.6 million square meters, of which the amount of high-strength membrane accounts for about 45%, accounting for 11.52 million square meters. Due to the periodic loss of reflective materials, the reflective film needs to be updated every 7-10 years. China is still increasing the investment in transportation, so the reflective film market is on the rise rapidly. According to statistics, it is estimated that in the future, China's annual film consumption will increase by no less than 20%. Secondly, the extensive use of forest belts, mountain areas, tourist attractions, docks, navigation and coastlines has not been included in the statistics. Many countries in the world, including our government, have formulated a lot of relevant policies, which can be said to be compulsory use. The application of high strength film and series of reflective materials in highway, railway, shipping and many other fields has become an inevitable trend.
4、 Domestic technical status of reflective materials
The localization of reflective materials is mainly the technical problems of raw materials, equipment and technology. The main raw materials used in reflective materials include resin, pigment, glass beads, etc. any raw material is very important to the performance of reflective products. Among them, the adhesive resin must have good construction performance and excellent bonding ability. If there is no protective layer on the surface of the product, the adhesive resin also requires waterproof and washability, the surface resin requires good transparency, ideal refractive index, excellent weather resistance and stability, and the connection of each layer of resin must also have good compatibility, so as to meet the production of reflective materials For pigments, high transparency, color stability and good compatibility with resin are required; for glass beads, high refractive index, high transparency, low transmittance, good roundness, good particle size consistency and dispersion are required. In recent years, the national research and development of new materials has increased support, new materials emerge in an endless stream, and foreign large chemical enterprises enter the factory, the raw materials required for reflective materials have been basically solved. The production equipment is the basis for us to realize the industrialization of reflective materials. Different reflective material products use different equipment. According to the process flow, process requirements and the characteristics of raw materials, the corresponding equipment configuration accuracy and operation mode are selected to determine the reasonable equipment structure. At the same time, the minimum equipment investment should be considered under the condition of meeting the production technical requirements. At present, with the development of nearly ten years in China, the output capacity of the equipment has been improved, but the design ability of the equipment still depends on the manufacturers of reflective materials. The equipment developed by breid in the early stage has been tracked and imitated by many manufacturers, which has laid some foundation for the localization of reflective material equipment. The configuration of each process of the current reflective material special equipment is basically reasonable. Most of them adopt computer closed-loop information feedback to realize the synchronous operation control of frequency conversion. The technical means such as constant tension control, temperature adjustable control in different regions, frequency conversion constant air pressure and other technical means are adopted. The equipment runs stably, the drying ability of coating cloth is strong, and the quality control is relatively stable. However, the degree of automation of the equipment needs to be further improved Improve. The production process is complementary to and inseparable from raw materials and production equipment. In the design of sulfur fixing raw materials, it is necessary to consider whether it meets the requirements of production process. When determining the production process, it is necessary to seek the simplest and most reliable process method that can be implemented without changing the raw materials as far as possible. The production line can adopt various production processes according to different production processes Coating method, so that different types of coatings, different properties can achieve micron precision controllable coating, can ensure the coating uniformity of the full width. And through the unique design of the equipment to solve the bead planting process, good operability, simple and practical, to solve the technical problem of single-layer coplanar implantation of glass beads. The technological level of domestic products has basically reached the level of foreign products, and some products are even more simplified than those of foreign products.
5、 Existing problems and development direction
Advertising network: in the past ten years, with the rapid development of China's basic industry, reflective materials in China have been rapid development, in a number of reflective materials have their own intellectual property rights, a variety of reflective materials products have their own system, not only replace imported products, but also have gone abroad, in a number of product areas, has begun and foreign reflective materials pioneer companies Bidding, they began to seize a large number of their market share. China's reflective material industry has made remarkable achievements in recent years, but there are still blank items in the field of reflective material products in China, such as micro prism type reflective film, and the quantity of high, fine and sharp reflective materials in China is not satisfactory. The production technology and R & D technology of reflective materials need to be further improved. In addition, there are not many large-scale enterprises of reflective materials. Many small manufacturers have weak independent R & D ability and poor enterprise management ability. The future market development of reflective materials will inevitably require more and more strong technical force, further improvement of product quality and further reduction of cost, which puts forward higher requirements for Chinese enterprises of reflective materials.

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